WONDER-Full a concept created by KeiStar Productions and orchestrated by DJ Spinna, honors the music of the legendary icon Stevie Wonder. Back in 1999, DJ Spinna and Bobbito aka “Kool Bob Love,” were part of an event where they performed and paid tribute to Stevie Wonder’s “Songs In The Key Of Life” album. As a result of the overwhelming response and intense reaction from the crowd, it was realized that an event could take place honoring Stevie’s birthday and musical legacy on an annual basis. In 2001, WONDER-Full was born. For the following seven years, the DJ duo would deliver the WONDER-Full experience to audiences worldwide. Bobbito moved on to pursue other ventures in 2008. DJ Spinna proceeds with the WONDER-Full journey as a solo DJ. The event continues to garner overwhelming fanfare for each occurrence. The success of WONDER-Full has led to a rapport between DJ Spinna and Stevie Wonder, which has allowed DJ Spinna to remix “My Love Is On Fire" and “Sweetest Somebody” from Stevie’s “A Time To Love” release. Whether in NYC, LA, DC, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Japan, or beyond, when a WONDER-Full event is booked, scores of admirers are guaranteed to be rocking the house joyfully.